Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Dearest Loves

Wow, what a blessing being a stay at home mom is. I am lucky to have a hubby that works hard for our family, allowing me to stay home a spend time with my "oats." I know that I often take for granted all that Hubby does for us. He is one of those rare good guys every one looks for, and I found him. He is also a great dad. I know I made the right choice when I see him with the girls. His love for them runs so deep, I can see it on his face the second he gets home to great them. The way he holds them and plays with them, they are always asking for more, even when it tickles.

A few nights ago I asked him what personality trait he wants the girls to share with him. He didn't have an answer, but I do. I want them to love as deeply as you do, you love passionately and need love just as passionately. I want them to be as determined as you are, you have jumped hurdles to be the man you are today. If you set your mind to doing something you will succeed, and will not allow anyone to tell you otherwise, including me. Although, this will be a difficult one when they are teens. I want them to be as intelligent as you are, you are always bettering yourself, reading, knowing what is happening in the world around you.   

You are the father these girls need. One who will listen to their problems and be empathetic. I know would would do anything to make sure these girls get whatever they need. Thank you for allowing me the blessing of staying home with them, teaching them, and living my dream. 

I asked the Emma the questions below about daddy. He answers are true and from her 2 year old heart. 

Rylie got him a little present too.