Monday, September 30, 2013

Emma's 3rd Birthday

Well we had Pouch's third birthday at the Children's Museum. It is one of the girls favorite places to go during the week. We went small this year with just the Grandparents and my siblings attending. The day turned out to be great, and I was able to enjoy, instead of being stressed
Pouch insisted she wanted to have a dinosaur cake with green frosting. 

Dressed up like a firefighter playing on their life size fire truck.

One of her presents from Grandma and Grandpa.

Blowing out her candles!
The one thing I wanted out of her birthday was NO electronic toys. I want the girls to play with toys that spark their imagination. We as a society get enough stimuli from the electronic world around us. It worked out great. She got art supplies, which both the girls love to paint and color. Some old fashioned wooden toys and more Lego Duplos than any little girl can use. Her favorites are the trunk of Disney Princess gowns daddy and I got her, I see Halloween costumes already done. 

Man she has grown so much!
I wanted to start a tradition of asking her the same set of questions every year for her birthday to see how the answers change as she grows and matures. 
1. What is your favorite color? Purple
2. What is your favorite toy? Stethoscope
3. What is your favorite fruit and veggie? Apples and Broccoli
4. What is your favorite TV show? Super Why
5. What is your favorite movie? Monsters inc
6. What is your favorite thing to wear? My bow dress
7. What is your favorite animal? Cow
8. What is your favorite song? "Black sheep" aka Baa baa Black Sheep
9. What is your favorite book? Library Books
10. Who is your best friend? Sissy
11. What is your favorite snack? Apple sauce 
12. What is your favorite drink? Milk
13. What is your favorite breakfast? Waffles
14. What is your favorite lunch? "Mac an o cheese"
15. What do you want for birthday dinner? dinosaur cake and sketti
16. What is your favorite sport? Football
17. What is your favorite thing to play outside? splash in water
18. What is your favorite holiday?  "candy, sissy doesn't have a bucket, but I have bucket" aka Halloween
19. What do you sleep with at night? My bunny baby
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? "This Big" with her arms stretched out as far as they will go. 
21. Whats your favorite thing to do with Mommy? Cook
22. Whats your Favorite thing to do with Daddy? Play Zombies
23. What is your favorite thing to do with Sissy? "ring around the rosie, pock pock, we all fall down"