Monday, May 6, 2013

A is for apple

Well its been a while since I posted. We have been busy with life and schooling. I have been really trying to come up with the best way to home preschool. I have spent many hours reading blogs and information on the best way to continue. The best way I found for now is to really focus on one letter, one number, and review the shapes and colors while we are at it. We also pick one animal to learn about, alligators was this week's. I spent the last month and a half having Pouch do letter crafts, and now we can focus on one each week. Last week we began with A. Being able to identify both the big "A", or as she calls it mommy A, and little "a" or Pouch. The sound it makes, and the beginning of writing both.

Until we get our much needed printer I have been making all her practice sheets. She did all of her A's without much help from me, mostly just showing her what direction her lines needed to go. There are also so many great websites to help with her learning. Even Giggy is catching on. She was saying A and the sound it makes every time we would go on the computer. She is also starting to learn her animal sound thanks to sissy's help. The library is also a favorite for me and the girls. We make it there on a weekly basis to help us with our learning.
Giggy is getting SO big. She isn't having any trouble keeping up with sis. Depending on the situation she may be the one taking the lead. She is having fun with gymnastics. The only downside to gymnastics happens to be the ability to climb everything. We often find her on the back of the couch holding on to the railing trying to get into the dinning room. She is pretty fearless, always willing to lead sissy down the big slides at the park. She is also starting to talk in complete sentences. So she isn't having much trouble getting her opinion heard, that's for sure.

Pouch is getting smarter everyday. She is really quite funny as well, always trying to make us laugh. Its such a great thing as a parent to finally be able to talk with Pouch and carry on a conversation with her. Last night I was taking a bath listening to Hubby and Pouch carry on a conversation the for a good 20 minutes.  She is very involved with what is going on around her. Her favorite question is "mom, whats noisen?" She wants to know every sound the world makes at this point. In addition, she wants to know the who, what, when, and where to every hour of our lives. I am really trying to oblige all her questions, curiosity is all she is about at this point. 

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