Monday, February 11, 2013

Sisterly Love

I can truly say my girls love each other. Although they still fight and argue almost 50% of the time. They usually want the best for each other.

This morning, after getting most of their toy taken away, they were playing so nicely together. Its fun just watching them in their own little world playing pretend. I seriously don't mind just watching them play together. Pouch is constantly trying to get Giggy involved in what she is doing. One of their favorite activities is gathering all their babies and playing house; putting them to bed, washing them, taking them this way and that. 

The sweetest things are when they hug and kiss on another. Pouch seems to be the most affectionate and Giggy rarely wants to partake, but that doesn't stop Pouch. We started a new bed time routine, so of course it has been a little difficult adjusting. Giggy usually cries for a while. So on Saturday night I come in to check on the girls, Pouch was in Giggy's bed. I take her out and ask her why she got in there, she simply responds  "sissy was scared." I really hope they are close for the long haul. I know sisters can be ruthless when they are older, but I hope I can guide them to friendship, 

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