Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Always the Comedian

The Pouch is such a goof. Hubby's foot has been really hurting so before we took him to the doc yesterday, Pouch was trying to be a helper and fix daddy's foot. She had my sewing measuring tape, so she wrapped around daddy's foot and said "wrap the snake around it, feel better?" Where does she gets some of the stuff she says? She also likes to say "hurry guys, snakes coming," when we are going upstairs for bed. I have also passed my slight driving aggression on, so whenever someone is not driving how she sees fit, or if I say something, she either says "crazy dude" or "drive dude." Two is such a fun age! It amazes me how fast she is learning to talk. It is fun trying to get her to say "big" words. She is even starting to use them, She said "yum delicious" about breakfast this morning. Giggy is beginning to say little phrases and expanding her vocabulary as well. Most days, being a parent is so gratifying.

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