Monday, January 21, 2013

Jumping In

Its a new year! I figured I wanted to jump on the band wagon of the blogging world. Mostly just for my own pleasure and saving a few memories so my mom brain can look back on them.

Some of my goals for this year:

  1. Making an effort to feed my family wholesome food. I have a seriously bad habit of eating fast food while on the go. It needs to stop. But mostly I want to feed my family more veggies, fruits and grains, and less processed foods. 
  2. Going off of above, I really want to cook meals at home every night. We don't really go out that often, but we go out more than we should. Also, I want to start making my own bread, and other foods I count on the store to provide me. 
  3. Teach my kids something new each month. Their little brains are ready for learning! Pouch already knows her numbers to about 15, although she ALWAYS forgets 6. This month she is potty training. Next month is letters, both by sight and saying her alphabet. Giggy's goal is to learn her body parts. Next month is working on knowing her animals. 
  4. Reconnecting with my mommy friends. 
  5. Making a bigger effort to spend "us" time with my gamer nerd hubby. 
  6. Get rid of Facebook. It really is a distraction and their is not too many positives to having it. This way I am more purposeful in my relationships with friends and family. 
  7. Last but not least, being a better mom. Pouch is in the midst of the terrible twos, and giggy is emulating her big sister very well. I am learning to be patient but I need to out weigh the No's with more positives through out the day. 

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