Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Giggy the gymnist

We started the girls in gymnastics a few weeks ago. Giggy seems to enjoy it. She likes playing with the little kids and she is a climber so being able to do that as sport is right up her ally. The balance beam and and slide seemed to be her favorite today. She is by far the tiniest in her class. I think it ranges from 12 months to 24 months and I would guess she is the youngest. But she doesn't let anyone leave her behind.

Now pouch is a different story. She is not all the sure about it. We have yet to stay for a whole class. It is all an experiment so we can try something different when she is done with this session. I think her calling may be music related so we can look into that. Or starting swimming lessons, every time we go to the rec center she asks to go swimming. But that would also require me to get into a swim suite...

After class we went to the park. The girls love it. All this nice weather is giving us a chance to try out the parks around town. We are excited for the cool new park opening at the rec center. It looks pretty fun.

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