Monday, October 28, 2013

Giggy Turns Two

We had Giggy's birthday on Saturday. It was an amazing, beautiful fall day. The trees are at the end of their fall cycle and dropping all their colorful leaves. The streets were covered in a tick layer of leaves, I just love the crunching sound. We went to The Highland Haunt. It was a really cute little fall festival. They shut down 32nd st for a few blocks for trick or treat booths, and tons of other activities for the kids. The best deal was the $5 activities pass. The girls could get a pumpkin, we actually got the last two. Face painting, we accidentally forgot. The girls favorite was a horse and carriage ride. 
And a bouncy Castle.

All in all, the festival was so much fun. As much as I detest Denver, Highland is so amazing. We will certainly be back next year. After we left the festival, we came back to our house to enjoy some green chili, presents and Giggy's butterfly cake. 

I cannot believe Giggy is two already. She is growing into a beautiful little girl.

Personality: You speak so quietly sometimes it is hard to hear you over your very boisterous family. However, if you finally want to get your point across, you get loud and man you have the perfect two year old tude. You are still very attached to mommy, you only allow people to hold and pay any attention to you on your terms.                                                                             Favorite Pass Times: Baby dolls of any kind, Curious George, Wreck it Ralph, Balls, and Cars. Favorite Food: Bananas, PPJ, Milk, BREAD, you LOVE bread. 

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