Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Home Pre-School

It has been a while since I posted about the girls schooling. It is going pretty well. Pouch is learning something new everyday, as is Giggy. I am not actively teaching Giggy anything, she is just along for the ride. But she is surprising me by what she is learning and retaining. 

Pouch is always excited to start school each day. We have started doing a bible story at the beginning of each day. Its really amazing how her eyes light up each time God is mentioned, the purity of children's hearts. One of our new goals is to have them watching more educational TV shows, rather than mindless TV. I try to start our lessons with Leapfrog movies about letters or numbers then transition to actual school. They are still toddlers after all. I only focus on book learning for as long as they are interested. Some days that is about 10 min others its 30 mins. As long as a little learning is happening I am happy. 

I signed up for the website It is really fun and interactive. Pouch is becoming a pro at using the mouse and computer to complete each lesson. right now, I am only using it to supplement our other activities at home. She is able to identify letters when asked to chose from a line up of other letters. However, she is still having a hard time coming up with the name of each letter individually. Each day she is getting better and soon she will be moving on the phonics and letter sounds, it is crazy to think maybe in a year she will start reading. 

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